This Week at North Anderson

Good morning, North Anderson!
As this note is being typed, there are several members of our church family busy decorating North Anderson for the Christmas Season! It truly is the "most wonderful time of the year" and we are looking forward to celebrating the birth of the King with you throughout December!
As you already know, due to the Thanksgiving Holidays, there will be no services this Wednesday or Men's Bible Study on Thursday, so there's not a whole lot to say about "This week at North Anderson" other than Happy Thanksgiving!
Yet, I did want to remind you of a couple of things that are going on over the next couple of weeks!
THIS SUNDAY - We will start a brand-new sermon series, called "A Timeless Christmas: Celebrating Christmas In The Old Testament"
Be sure to join us for Bible Fellowship Classes at 9:15am and Worship at 10:30am. Please invite someone to be your guest as for many people, the Christmas season brings about an openness to spiritual things and a willingness to take you up on the offer!
MISSIONS CONFERENCE - We're so excited to be offering our first Missions Conference on Saturday, December 7th (6:00pm) and Sunday, December 8th (10:30am). This conference will be an opportunity for us to really get focused on the mission of God and inspired to join Him on mission! Our conference speakers will be Dr. Tony Wolfe, Executive Director of the South Carolina Baptist Convention on Saturday and Dr. Kevin Ezell, President of The North American Mission Board on Sunday.
We will be collecting the following items through Sunday, December 15th and distributing them afterwards:
Pocket sized packs of tissue
Body wash
Small writing tablets
Men’s white socks
Body lotion
Ink pens
Soft peppermint
Financial donations from individuals or Bible Fellowship Classes that will be used to purchase these items are also welcome. Simply designate the offering or give it directly to Mrs. Judy Brown
DEACONS FOR 2024-2025
Our Deacons met on Sunday evening, elected officers, and put together a plan for the coming year. These men will be serving you -
Matt George, Chairman
Bob Simmons, Vice Chairman
Cody Rydin, Secretary
Jerry Wilson
Kirk Smith
Jim Holbrook
Steve Gibson
Don Johnson
Mike McCollum
Bruce Brown
Matt Ball
Stephen Bryant
We are currently in the process of updating our Deacon Family Ministry Plan. If you are unfamiliar with this ministry, each Member-family will be assigned to one of our Deacons, who will be dedicated to serving you, praying for you, and being a point of contact for you as it relates to member care.
You can expect to hear from the Deacon who'll be serving you in 2025 sometime in December.
As this note is being typed, there are several members of our church family busy decorating North Anderson for the Christmas Season! It truly is the "most wonderful time of the year" and we are looking forward to celebrating the birth of the King with you throughout December!
As you already know, due to the Thanksgiving Holidays, there will be no services this Wednesday or Men's Bible Study on Thursday, so there's not a whole lot to say about "This week at North Anderson" other than Happy Thanksgiving!
Yet, I did want to remind you of a couple of things that are going on over the next couple of weeks!
THIS SUNDAY - We will start a brand-new sermon series, called "A Timeless Christmas: Celebrating Christmas In The Old Testament"
Be sure to join us for Bible Fellowship Classes at 9:15am and Worship at 10:30am. Please invite someone to be your guest as for many people, the Christmas season brings about an openness to spiritual things and a willingness to take you up on the offer!
MISSIONS CONFERENCE - We're so excited to be offering our first Missions Conference on Saturday, December 7th (6:00pm) and Sunday, December 8th (10:30am). This conference will be an opportunity for us to really get focused on the mission of God and inspired to join Him on mission! Our conference speakers will be Dr. Tony Wolfe, Executive Director of the South Carolina Baptist Convention on Saturday and Dr. Kevin Ezell, President of The North American Mission Board on Sunday.
We will be collecting the following items through Sunday, December 15th and distributing them afterwards:
Pocket sized packs of tissue
Body wash
Small writing tablets
Men’s white socks
Body lotion
Ink pens
Soft peppermint
Financial donations from individuals or Bible Fellowship Classes that will be used to purchase these items are also welcome. Simply designate the offering or give it directly to Mrs. Judy Brown
DEACONS FOR 2024-2025
Our Deacons met on Sunday evening, elected officers, and put together a plan for the coming year. These men will be serving you -
Matt George, Chairman
Bob Simmons, Vice Chairman
Cody Rydin, Secretary
Jerry Wilson
Kirk Smith
Jim Holbrook
Steve Gibson
Don Johnson
Mike McCollum
Bruce Brown
Matt Ball
Stephen Bryant
We are currently in the process of updating our Deacon Family Ministry Plan. If you are unfamiliar with this ministry, each Member-family will be assigned to one of our Deacons, who will be dedicated to serving you, praying for you, and being a point of contact for you as it relates to member care.
You can expect to hear from the Deacon who'll be serving you in 2025 sometime in December.
Advent DevotionAdvent Devotion December 1stThis Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion Day ThreeGiving TuesdayAdvent Devotion Day FourAdvent Devotion, Day 5Advent Devotion, Day 6Advent Devotion, Day 7Advent, Day 8THIS WEEK AT NORTH ANDERSONAdvent Devotion, Day 9Advent Devotion, Day 10Advent Devotion, Day 11NEED-TO-KNOWS About TonightAdvent Devotion, Day 12This WeekendAdvent Devotion, Day 13Advent Devotion, Day 14Advent Devotion, Day 15This Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 16Advent Devotion, Day 17Advent Devotion, Day 18You Don't Want To Miss This Sunday At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 19Advent Devotion, Day 20Advent Devotion, Day 21Advent Devotion, Day 22Advent Devotion, Day 23This Week At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 24Christmas Day Advent DevotionThis Sunday at North AndersonThis Week At North Anderson2025 Bible Reading Plan