This Week At North Anderson
Hello North Anderson family and friends!
We pray that this week has gotten off to a great start for you and wanted to remind you about several events that are on tap for this week at North Anderson!
On Wednesday –
WMU Ladies Prayer Time from 9:00-10:00am
Adult DiscipleU Bible Study at 10:30am or 6:30pm – Due to Pastor Kyle not being able to be at morning worship on Sunday to continue our sermon series through 1st Peter, we will be studying the call that has been placed upon the lives of “The Exiled Elect” to be holy as our Lord is holy in 1st Peter 1:13-25. Please make every effort to be in attendance for either the morning or evening study as each passage that we study in this series flows into the next one and affording us the opportunity to understand the verses in their proper context.
Quick note: The morning study will be held in the Family Life Center as usual, but the evening study will be in the Sanctuary this week so that we can Livestream it for those who can’t be there.
Youth and Children's Ministry at 6:30pm
On Thursday –
Men’s Bible Study at 7:00am at Mama Penn’s
DMA Ministry Program and Lunch at noon (please bring your favorite soup)
On Saturday –
Ladies Ministry Coffee Chat at 10:00am in the Family Life Center
On Sunday –
Bible Fellowship Classes at 9:15am and Corporate Worship at 10:30am. We’ll continue our series through 1st Peter, as one of our interns, Kaden Caudell, will be unpacking the first few verses of chapter 2.
Deacons Meeting (5:30-6:30pm) in the Faith Builders Classroom
Also, please keep our True North Student Ministry in prayer this weekend as they have their Winter Retreat this weekend in the mountains of Tennessee.
Verse to Focus On This Week – “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like a flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” - 1st Peter 1:24-25
Prayer Focus This Week – The Basotho of Lesotho People in South Africa
Stan and Angie Burleson, IMB Missionaries in the highlands of Lesotho, ask for prayer as they visit a Great Commission Christian organization in Mohale's Hoek district on January 21-23. They will be meeting with them to observe, strategize, and plan to see how they might partner with them to train the churches in orphan care. This organization is Basotho led and run. It will be an opportunity for the Basotho to train the Basotho. Pray for discernment as they seek God's will in possibly partnering with and learning from this organization. Also pray for travel safety as they drive to and spend a few days in this different area of Lesotho. "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause" (Isaiah 1:17).
On Wednesday –
WMU Ladies Prayer Time from 9:00-10:00am
Adult DiscipleU Bible Study at 10:30am or 6:30pm – Due to Pastor Kyle not being able to be at morning worship on Sunday to continue our sermon series through 1st Peter, we will be studying the call that has been placed upon the lives of “The Exiled Elect” to be holy as our Lord is holy in 1st Peter 1:13-25. Please make every effort to be in attendance for either the morning or evening study as each passage that we study in this series flows into the next one and affording us the opportunity to understand the verses in their proper context.
Quick note: The morning study will be held in the Family Life Center as usual, but the evening study will be in the Sanctuary this week so that we can Livestream it for those who can’t be there.
Youth and Children's Ministry at 6:30pm
On Thursday –
Men’s Bible Study at 7:00am at Mama Penn’s
DMA Ministry Program and Lunch at noon (please bring your favorite soup)
On Saturday –
Ladies Ministry Coffee Chat at 10:00am in the Family Life Center
On Sunday –
Bible Fellowship Classes at 9:15am and Corporate Worship at 10:30am. We’ll continue our series through 1st Peter, as one of our interns, Kaden Caudell, will be unpacking the first few verses of chapter 2.
Deacons Meeting (5:30-6:30pm) in the Faith Builders Classroom
Also, please keep our True North Student Ministry in prayer this weekend as they have their Winter Retreat this weekend in the mountains of Tennessee.
Verse to Focus On This Week – “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like a flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” - 1st Peter 1:24-25
Prayer Focus This Week – The Basotho of Lesotho People in South Africa
Stan and Angie Burleson, IMB Missionaries in the highlands of Lesotho, ask for prayer as they visit a Great Commission Christian organization in Mohale's Hoek district on January 21-23. They will be meeting with them to observe, strategize, and plan to see how they might partner with them to train the churches in orphan care. This organization is Basotho led and run. It will be an opportunity for the Basotho to train the Basotho. Pray for discernment as they seek God's will in possibly partnering with and learning from this organization. Also pray for travel safety as they drive to and spend a few days in this different area of Lesotho. "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause" (Isaiah 1:17).

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